Logical thinking
Logical ordering in 3 sequence cards

K1 teaching aid category
(Toddler level)
Comparing different
Capacity & many/few
Quantity 1 and many
Empty/ full
Ordering & sorting
Ordering shapes in colour
Sorting objects through types
Ordering and logical thinking
Ordering graphics by colour
Logical ordering in 4 sequence cards
Find the difference game
K2 Teaching Aids Category (Preschool level)
Cube and cuboid
Cylinders and spheres
3D animals
Sense of number
Number Grouping
Greater than and less than
Days of the week

K3 teaching aid category
(Kindergarten level)
Ordering, logical thinking and diagram
Travel Shopping list
Birthday Party Shopping List
My life in kindergarten
Understand time
Compare & measure
Understand the unit of volume "ml/L"
Measure length
Sense of number
Comparing two numbers within 1-100
Ordinal number
1 - 20 Odd and even numbers
Half and Quarter
10 Mathematic categories

Numbers and counting
Comparing and contrasting
Ordering and Measuring
Preceding number
Adding and Subtracting
Time and Space
Sorting and classifying
Logical thinking and problem solving
兒童數學認知的發展 *Extract from Hong Kong Kindergarten Curriculum Guide(2017)

Toddlers who ages 3-4:
able to distinguish between two objects by their sizes, length, texture, hardness
begin to understand the concept of sequence, and able to make pattern with toy bricks or beads according to sequence
begin to know how to classify and match objects, and able to associate objects according to their uses such as shoes with socks, cups with plates
able to recite from 1 - 10
correctly count three to four objects
able assemble puzzles of six pieces
Preschoolers who aged 4-5 years old:
able to place furniture according to the appropriate room
able to identify different types from objects
begin to understand the concept of time, and be able to tell what usually do in the morning, afternoon and evening
understand position and speed, such as: before and after, fast and slow, in the middle, first, last, etc.
able to recite from 1 - 20
correctly count up to ten objects
able to assemble puzzles of eight pieces

Kindergarteners who aged 5-6 years:
able to arrange objects of different lengths, heights, widths or sizes in the correct order easily
able to count 20 objects and write up to 20
able to point out the order and position of objects, such as: first, second
understand the difference between "half of a piece" and "one full piece"
able to do simple addition and subtraction
begin to understand the calendar and time, and be able to tell the year, month, day and week.
able to tell the time, such as: three o'clock, four o'clock if they have taught